
Reviewing movies and videos bought at Dollar Stores for $4 or less.

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Them dang 'ol robots man, I tell you hwat, dang 'ol man be taking over pew pew man 'ol ahhhhhh run for your life man dang robots man.

Nick reviews The Terminators (2009).

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Remember Red Hook? It was a movie once don't you know. Well let me tell you about Forget Me Not. It's the movie Red Hook wanted to be, but couldn't be cause it wasn't as good. RIP. But at least we got spooky ghosts. Boo. That's what a ghost says. Probably. I'm no ghost expert.

Nick reviews Forget Me Not (2009).

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Due to copywrite claims, this video can only be viewed from YouTube. Thank you for your understanding. https://youtu.be/ey4wzHLlagg

Ever see a spider and say, "Oh My God it's huge"? Well that ain't got nuf'n on this CGI beauty.

Nick reviews Big Ass Spider (2013).

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Enter the realm of Atlantis, the city at the Center of the Earth. Or better yet, don't. If you're not a fan of Brendan Frasier's Journey to the Center of the Earth, then this movie is still not the option for you.

Nick reviews Journey to the Center of the Earth (1989).

Red Hook: The Game | https://game.redhookmovie.com -- Free to play just so you know.

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Heroes can come in many sizes... sometimes bigger than you'd expect. Could a Japanese TV show from 1967 be better than modern television? I mean anything is better then The Big Bang Theory so it's totally possible.

Nick reviews Ultraman Volume 2.

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Could this be the worst horror movie you'll ever see, or is it the best... Likely not the best but could you do better?... Probably.

Nick reviews Red Hook a 2008 horror movie.

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